

In September of 2025, Rush Nursery School, Inc. will begin its sixty seventh year of service to preschool children in our community. The school has grown and changed over the years. The one thing that has always remained constant is the fine quality preschool experience we offer.

Our goal is for your child to grow in self esteem, confidence and social skills.

As you select a preschool for your child, we encourage you to compare our program with others. Please note such things as:

    • Separate classes for two, three, four and five-year-old children
    • Class size and length
    • Adult to child ratio
    • Curriculum
    • Age appropriate, quality equipment and toys
    • Experience and qualifications of the staff
    • Home-School Communication (teacher email and website access, peek at the week letters, as well as monthly newsletters, parent teacher conference, orientation program)
    • Child being potty trained is not required

We believe you will give RNS high marks in these areas. Please consider the services and quality of program provided when comparing tuitions.

Rush Nursery School families have been pleased with the continuing care and concern given to parents and their children.

We are hopeful that sharing this information with you will help you select the best nursery school experience for you and your child. We encourage you to contact us with any questions about our program. We also encourage prospective parents to make an appointment to visit our school while it is in session or explore our website to learn more.


Kirstin O’Connell


1. Please read and fill in all information on the application form.

2. A child must be two on or before December 1, 2025 to be admitted into a two-year-old class. A child must be three  on or before December 1, 2025 to be admitted into a three-year-old class. A child must be four on or before December  1, 2025 to be admitted into a four-year-old class. A child must be five on or before December 1, 2025 to be admitted  into a five-year-old class. 

3. Maximum class sizes are: 12 for two-year olds, 16 for three-year olds and 20 for four or five-year olds.

4. Paper applications will only be processed by the registrar if they are received by mail. They will be processed by  postmark. Applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis. Acceptance to the class of your choice is  contingent upon the space available. Early applicants are most likely to receive the class of their first choice (please  include three choices). No hand delivered applications will be accepted. Online applications can be submitted at  www.rushnurseryschool.org

5. Notification of acceptance and class placement will be made by e-mail for all children. Waiting lists are made  when a class is full. Be sure to indicate on your application if you wish to be put on such a list.

6. All enrolled Rush Nursery school students need to provide a health and immunization form by the first day of  school. This form must be completed by your doctor and is required by law. Therefore, no child may attend RNS  unless these records are on file with our school.

7. Attendance by at least one parent of each enrolled child is required at our parent orientation meeting on August 25,  2025. At this meeting parents will meet their child’s teacher, learn RNS policies, receive class lists and handbooks  and hand in health and immunization forms. A personal information form and permission forms will be passed out  to be completed and returned to your teacher by the first day of class.

8. All important paper work and announcements will be going home via email. Please make sure to check your email on a regular basis for updates and important news from Rush Nursery School. If you wish to receive paper  copies in the mail, please contact the registrar at rnsregistrar@gmail.com.

9. KinderPrep is the ideal class for the student who is age ready, but not socially, emotionally or academically ready to go to kindergarten. See here for more details.


All checks or money orders should be made payable to: RUSH NURSERY SCHOOL

Payments are mailed to:
Rush Nursery School  Registrar
PO Box 1049
Henrietta, NY 14467

Payments can also be made online at: www.rushnurseryschool.org/programs


1.  A registration fee of $100 must accompany your application. If you are registering more than one child from the same  family, the registration fee is $90 per child. The registration fee now includes a supply fee. This fee is not deductible from  tuition and is not refunded unless your child cannot be placed in a class by September 1, 2025. Registration fee can be  mailed with the application or processed online. Both the written application and the registration fee must be received  before the application will be processed.

2. Three payment plans are detailed below. Select the one best suited to your finances. Please note that if you choose to pay in  multiple installments, you will incur a $5 service charge per payment. Alternative payment plans may be worked out by  discussing them with the school registrar at 334-0664 or kids@rushnurseryschool.org prior to the first payment’s due date.

3. Families registering multiple children will receive a 10% discount on the tuition for the second child.

4. A late fee of $25 will be charged for each payment not received by the 10th day after the payment’s due date.

5. There is a $25 fee for all checks returned for insufficient funds.

6. There is a $25 processing fee for all tuition reimbursements. *There will be no tuition refunded if you withdraw your  child from school after the school year has begun. *

7. Tuition payments must be received within 30 days of the due date or your child will not be able to attend school until  payment is made.

8. Rush Nursery School does not send bills. Please keep this sheet for future reference and mark tuition due dates on your  calendar.

9. **We will be offering a Kindergarten Prep class again this year for five-year-old children. There will be two options. It will run Monday thru Friday from 12:30PM – 3:00PM. Or, you can choose to attend Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30AM – 3PM plus Tuesday and Thursday 12:30PM – 3:00PM.

Note below is the tuition due dates for payment in full, two half payments, or quarterly payments.

ProgramAnnual PaymentSemester PaymentQuarterly Payment
TWO-YEAR-OLD ONE DAY$935 ON 8/18/2025$472.50 ON 8/18/2025
$472.50 ON 1/5/2026
$238.75 ON 8/18/2025
$238.75 ON 11/3/2025
$238.75 ON 1/5/2026
$238.75 ON 3/2/2026
TWO-YEAR-OLD TWO DAY$1850 ON 8/18/2025$930 ON 8/18/2025
$930 ON 1/5/2026
$467.50 ON 8/18/2025
$467.50 ON 11/3/2025
$467.50 ON 1/5/2026
$467.50 ON 3/2/2026
THREE-YEAR-OLD TWO DAY$1850 ON 8/18/2025$930 ON 8/18/2025
$930 ON 1/5/2026
$467.50 ON 8/18/2025
$467.50 ON 11/3/2025
$467.50 ON 1/5/2026
$467.50 ON 3/2/2026
THREE-YEAR-OLD THREE DAY$2785 ON 8/18/2025$1397.50 ON 8/18/2025
$1397.50 ON 1/5/2026
$701.25 ON 8/18/2025
$701.25 ON 11/3/2025
$701.25 ON 1/5/2026
$701.25 ON 3/2/2026
FOUR-YEAR-OLD TWO DAY$1850 ON 8/18/2025$930 ON 8/18/2025
$930 ON 1/5/2026
$467.50 ON 8/18/2025
$467.50 ON 11/3/2025
$467.50 ON 1/5/2026
$467.50 ON 3/2/2026
FOUR-YEAR-OLD THREE DAY$2785 ON 8/18/2025$1397.50 ON 8/18/2025
$1397.50 ON 1/5/2026
$701.25 ON 8/18/2025
$701.25 ON 11/3/2025
$701.25 ON 1/5/2026
$701.25 ON 3/2/2026
$3810 ON 8/18/2025$1910 ON 8/18/2025
$1910 ON 1/5/2026
$957.50 ON 8/18/2025
$957.50 ON 11/3/2025
$957.50 ON 1/5/2026
$957.50 ON 3/2/2026
$6595 ON 8/18/2025$3297.50 ON 8/18/2025
$3297.50 ON 1/5/2026
$1653.75 ON 8/18/2025
$1653.75 ON 11/3/2025
$1653.75 ON 1/5/2026
$1653.75 ON 3/2/2026
Pay Current Registration Fee